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Colorful Meanings

Have you ever walked into a room and and felt a change in your mood or the emotions your feeling? It could be a positive or negative change, however chances are the change was elicited by the colors present in that specific room or environment.

When choosing the color palet for a room it’s important to keep in mind that every color elicits a different meaning or emotion. Color is a very powerful part of any office, because it has to power to instantly set the mood. So, when choosing a color for a therapy office it is important to keep in mind what type of emotions and physiological reaction that color will elicit within your clients. And of course, what it might bring up for you as a counselor as well!

As we all know, there are a million different color combinations that we can come up with for any type of space. When creating a therapy office color palet, I tend to focus on colors that create a calming and peaceful feel. My two favorite colors that do just that are shades of green and shades of blue. Green, depending on the shades, usually bring to the environment a feeling of calm, a sense of renewal, and make us feel soothed. Usually green is association with colors of nature and a beginning of spring. Plants, grass, and trees tend to bloom with many colors of green this time of year, which is most likely why it’s associated with the word renewal. The color blue on the other hand is usually associated with water and clear sky’s. Different shades of blue can bring a feeling of calm and peace to an environment. It can also be associated with a restful environment. It is important to remember that a deep shade of blue might also be associated with sadness, so with those color I would suggest staying on the lighter side.

As mentioned previously there are many different color combinations to create and choose from when creating an office space, so blue and green are just the tip of the iceberg. To learn more about a colors meaning and feelings associated with it, check out my Pinterest board theraputic designs’ subsection: color pallets and layouts.

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