When deciding on a college major, a career track, or even a job to take there are a lot of things we ask ourselves: What are your interests? What are your goals? How much time do you want to commit? Sometimes these questions are difficult for us to answer. If you are someone who is struggling to make a decision about your future, maybe it’s time to take a look at it from a different perspective.
A great counseling professor at Southern Methodist University once told me, “We are all sitting in the same classroom, listening to the same lecture, however each of us are having a different experience.” What she meant by this was we all have different perspectives of the same thing. So what happens when we change our perspective? We change our experience. This is something that I recently did in my own life. As an LPC-Intern, I am working towards building up my clinical hours and a client load. I feel great about my career choice, however I am still getting use to having more free time then I expected to have. So, I wanted to find sometime to incorporate into my career as a counselor. When looking “outside the box” I found a blog post pinned on Pinterest about designing therapy office spaces and a light bulb went off! I have always loved interior design, I even took some classes while in undergrad to try and expand my knowledge. Obviously I can’t jump into a career as an interior designer while trying to build my career as a counselor, however who says I can’t start a blog? For one of the private practices I work at I frequently write different blog posts pertaining to my population interests for counseling, so I have experience in the blog writing world. So, here we are. I changed my perspective and am diving into a new experience of interior design writing pertaining to a therapeutic environment. Welcome to my journey!